Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Aku nak tanya sikit kat pembaca blog aku, korang suka download tak?.Tak kisah la movie ke, software ke, anime ke, yang tut-tut tu ke.Suka tak?.Aku rasa kebanyakkan semua orang  suka downloadkan.Ok, nak download banyak-banyak tak jadi masalah atau kesalahan.

Tapi bagaimana line internet yang digunakan itu dishare dan dikongsi beramai-ramai.Contohnya kat rumah sewa, ofis?.Yang ini boleh menjadi masalah jika ada yang kaki download . Dan biasanya untuk download, ramai yang guna aplikasi torrent, terutamanya untuk download file yang besar.

Ada pembaca blog aku tanya 1 soalan cepu emas, macam ni:

Salam...sya nk tnye...housemate sya suke download....slalu intenet slow sngat....ade x software yg bleh check klu housemate sye tgah download...sye gune roter tp link...

Selalunya apabila guna aplikasi torrent biasanya akan menyebabkan line internet slow dan lembab kepada pengguna yang lain.Sebab aplikasi torrent ini akan guna port yang banyak(  Torrent Consumes Big Bandwidth ) pada line internet untuk sedut dari sumber yang banyak bagi melengkap kan file yang didownload (lagi besar file tu, lagi banyak port yang diguna).Bila dia guna port yang banyak, aplikasi torrent ini, akan sekat pengguna lain dari connect ke internet (ini la antara punca line internet slow) biasanya jadi masalah besar pada pengguna yang lain.

Boleh ke nak Kesan pengguna torrent di dalam talian internet korang?

Boleh, korang guna packet sniffer (ada banyak jenis), antara yang aku rasa ok ialah colasoft packet sniffer.Cuba la korang try.

Step1. Download a free trial and implement it correctly

Step2. Launch a project and start capturing data

Step3. Find BitTorrent Protocol in the “Protocols” Tab

Setp4. Locate BitTorrent Protocol in the “Explorer”
Use the “Locate” function to locate BitTorrent protocol in the “Explorer” to analyze dedicated data.

Step5. Track BitTorrent User in LAN in the “Endpoint” Tab

This is the way how to track the BitTorrent user in our network and who are connected with him. There is a lot more we can see from this tab, such as how much data has been downloaded and uploaded via BitTorrent protocol.

View how many connections have been built in “Matrix”
You’ll be shocked to see how many connections have been built in the “Matrix” Tab. In this case, we can see this user has built more than 1000 connections with other hosts.

Jika korang ada masalah ini dengan Housemate atau Ofismate, cuba tangani dengan baik, kalau tidak mungkin akan bergaduh besar atau bermasam muka ,nasihat aku untuk korang:
  1. Kalau ada housemate yang suka download guna torrent, cuba korang cakap baik-baik, cakap dengan dia kalau nak download boleh tapi sila buat time orng lain dah tidur atau tak guna internet.
  2. Kalau housemate buat tak tau dan tak mengaku, korang cakap la kuat-kuat ugut line internet slow, jadi korang  nak  setup line streamyx baru atau broadband sendiri (mesti diorang takut sebab kos bayar line internet akan bertambah) 
  3. Kalau ada kawan ofis yang suka download guna torrent, cuba korang cakap baik-baik, cakap dengan dia kalau nak download boleh tapi sila buat time bukan ofis hour atau tak guna internet, nasihat dia supaya guna timer.
  4. Kalau boleh jika masalah berlaku dirumah sewa. korang buat 1 signboard tulis (Download Torrent  Hanya Dibenarkan Semasa Pengguna Line Sudah Tidur Atau Tak Guna Line Internet Dan Jika Urgent nak Guna Masa Orang Lain Tengah guna Sila Tanya dahulu), korang tulis besar-besar kalau boleh, gantung dekat ruang tamu.Kalau masih tak faham juga, tak tau la (Kalau aku la, pelangkung je kepala yang tak faham-faham tu)

About BitTorrent
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files.

BitTorrent Consumes Big Bandwidth
Based on the working principle of BitTorrent protocol, if somebody is downloading big files with BitTorrent software, it will be a disaster for other users who need bandwidth for business operations as the user will consume large amount of bandwidth, thus causing long time network slowness, intermittence, even disconnections; because meantime the user downloading files from others, others are downloading files from him.

The protocol works when a file provider initially makes his/her file (or group of files) available to the network. This is called a seed and allows others, named peers, to connect and download the file. Each peer that downloads a part of the data makes it available to other peers to download. After the file is successfully downloaded by a peer, many continue to make the data available, becoming additional seeds. This distributed nature of BitTorrent leads to a viral spreading of a file throughout peers. As more peers join the swarm, the likelihood of a successful download increases. Relative to standard Internet hosting, this provides a significant reduction in the original distributor’s hardware and bandwidth resource costs. It also provides redundancy against system problems and reduces dependence on the original distributor.


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